PTAs and PTOs used to do fundraisers to pay for special things for their schools like playgrounds, field trips, and outdoor classrooms. Now, many school organizations are fundraising to purchase Common Core materials and computers for Common Core testing. This is so sad for those children.
Conversations and Facebook posts from fed-up parents about fuzzy, frustrating common core math and Islam homework assignments are multiplying. And the school year just started! This Common Core commotion is not going away.
Common Core is not rigorous, it is ridiculous...
Meaning, it is making some people ridiculously rich.
This week's Education Summit that Governor Haslam is hosting in Nashville is one of those exclusive events for ridiculously rich people to attend. The people invited to Haslam's exclusive event are mostly all supporters of his reforms and of Common Core. They are "invested" as "stakeholders" in public education, and many of them make six-figure salaries from these reforms. In fact, some of these "stakeholders" (such as SCORE) would not have jobs without Common Core in Tennessee (thanks to money from Bill Gates). According to SCORE's tax return, Jamie Woodson, CEO of SCORE and former TN Senator, made a sweet salary package of $328,361 (including a $25,000 bonus) and SCORE COO, Sharon Roberts, made over $160,000. It is an obvious case of the Governor is stark naked, but nobody wants to say anything because they are all making big bucks from selling him the invisible clothes.
It is also very important to notice that there are no public school parents included at the table of the Governor's Summit. The only parent representation is the TN Parent Teacher Association (PTA). But, did you know that the TN PTA executive board members do not even have children currently in school? and that the National PTA has accepted millions of dollars from Bill Gates to support Common Core, some of which was given to PTA before the Common Core standards were even finished?
If you are lucky enough to be invited to Haslam's dog & pony show, be sure to stop and talk to the protesting parents and grandparents outside. Ask them how Common Core is affecting their children. Ask them why they are refusing to allow their children to take the tests. If you're wondering where all the teachers are, they are at school teaching because notice that this summit was strategically scheduled on a school day at a time that teachers are unable to attend. (Although, there may be some teachers there who take one of their precious personal days to bravely protest for their students).
Follow the money, and you'll find the motives. That is what TN Parents does for free.