But it is about to get worse. The Federal Department of Education doesn't even pretend to hide the fact any longer. Take a look at this new rule from Arne Duncan, the appointed U.S. Secretary of Education. It specifically says their intention is to "phase out the authority of States" in regards to modifying the standards and the testing of disadvantaged students. For a limited period of time, they will graciously allow certain States to have a transition period to comply with their new mandate.
How can this be legal? The General Education Provisions Act, the Department of Education Organization Act, the 10th Amendment, and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act, ban the Federal Department of Education from directing, supervising, or controlling elementary and secondary school curriculum, programs of instruction, and instructional materials. But they are doing it anyway...
Without exception, all children will suffer under hours and hours of standardized tests. These tests are not diagnostic, even though they cost a LOT of money. Parents and teachers never see the test questions or actual results. The scores aren't returned until the following school year. These scores are statistically manipulated to push a PR agenda that is used to control education policy. And, now, states will have even less control over these tests. Testing is no longer a tool for teachers to use, it is a tool for those in power to manipulate our public education system. Testing has become a weapon.
This should make parents in every state boiling mad! This should make homeschooling parents fearful. This should make local school board members furious! This should make our elected State legislators livid! We must demand a stop to this top-down bullying and control! Arne Duncan does not know what is best for our children in Tennessee. Tennessee's authority over educating our children is being stolen from us.