You'll clearly see: The State Board of Education will get the incredible power to decide the Standards for our children. Yes, the same State Board of Education that voted, through a telephone conference call with dogs barking in the background, to revoke the licenses of teachers over test scores. The same State Board of Education that is APPOINTED and serves at the whim of the current administration. Tennessee citizens did not elect this board. This board does not answer to us. In fact, they won't return our messages. Two of them even unsubscribed from our emails. They don't want to hear from parents. They know who they serve and obey: Governor Haslam.
As it seems right now, we are ALL being played right into the Governor's hands... parents, local school boards, Superintendents, legislators, and worst of all... our children.
Legislators: when you go home tonight, exhausted after this Legislative session... will you be able to sleep soundly at night knowing you have sold out our children to corporate interests?