We are asking that you please, pretty please, include these:
- Educator Respect and Accountability Act of 2014 (HB 2263 / SB 2047)
- Repeal Common Core bill (HB 2332 / SB 2405)
As Chairmen of these committees, you have the responsibility of scheduling when Bills are heard and voted upon. Surely you wouldn't do anything underhanded like delaying those bills until the end of the Legislative Session so the Governor can veto them after all the Legislators have all gone home and cannot over-ride it, now would you, Representative Harry Brooks from Knoxville and Representative Mark White from Memphis??? That would not only be selfish, but it would be an abuse of power by committee chairs.
We know Governor Haslam isn't happy with these bills, but his job isn't tied to volatile test scores of children using a secret mathematical equation that nobody can explain (His job, like yours, is tied to the ballots cast by us voters, which everyone clearly understands). And his own children aren't forced to do unproven, untested, developmentally inappropriate standards (Because private schools are wisely not adopting Common Core).
Representative Brooks from Knoxville, even though you may not agree with the bill to support and respect our children's teachers, 77 of 99 Representatives agree with it strongly enough that they have signed on to the Bill as co-sponsors. So, it shouldn't take long at all to pass it through your House Education Committee and on to the House Floor so our Representatives can vote on it. Surely you can squeeze it on your House Education Committee Agenda in the next few weeks, can't you?
Representative White from Memphis, even though your own children aren't affected by Common Core, ours are. Tennessee parents want this bill heard in a timely manner because a year in our children's lives is too long to wait while we elect new leaders to get rid of Common Core. Surely you can include this bill in your sub-committee agenda on the March 4th agenda as was originally planned?
We know you're stuck in a difficult situation by the Governor. In times like these, it is especially important to remember who it is that you have been elected to serve.
Tennessee Parents
By Beavers
By Womick
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49,
Chapter 1; Title 49, Chapter 10; Title 49, Chapter 2 and Title 49, Chapter 6, relative to common core state standards.
SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 49-1-302, is amended by adding the following language as a new, appropriately designated subsection:
On July 1, 2014, the state board and the department of education shall discontinue the use of the common core state standards in English language arts and mathematics. Beginning on July 1, 2014, the standards for English language arts and mathematics adopted by the state board that were in use prior to the adoption of the common core state standards shall become the standards for use by LEAs and schools
until the state board develops and adopts new Tennessee specific standards for English language arts and mathematics.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.