- The "independent" organization that will be handling the entire process is not "independent" at all. It is heavily funded by Bill Gates. $11.8 million dollars so far has been given to the Southern Regional Education Board specifically to support Common Core. Click HERE to see the millions in grant money flowing from Gates to SREB specifically to support his Common Core initiative. This organization is biased and exists to SAVE Common Core.
- The committee members of these review panels include Common Core cheerleaders from the lucrative reform movement such asCandice McQueen (Miss "I love it for your kids, but not for mine in private school") and Meghan Little, chief academic officer for KIPP Nashville which has a very high rate of kicking kids out conveniently before the TCAP testing window.
- The "review" won't be finished until after the 2015 Legislative Session so Legislators won't be able to take any action regarding the results until 2016.
Click HERE to see the FAQ from Governor Haslam with more details.
Will TN Legislators be fooled with this stalling tactic?