Anytime CC even comes up, the whole tone of the school and the PTA president is eyerolls, condescending comments about Facebook rumors, conspiracy theories, etc. and they start quoting CC propaganda (state-led, federal government not involved, etc.)
I brought up CC issues several times at the beginning of the year & was told that it's the law, the school has to follow the law, and the PTA board's job is to support the school.
Also the president announced that any funds the PTA earns beyond specifically budgeted amounts will go to "technology" (for test taking equipment, etc.) (Doesn't this require a vote??)
I'm keeping quiet for now anyway. The PTA President actually said that complaining won't do any good and just wait 5 years or so and it'll probably change!!
(This was posted anonymously to protect this parent in TN)
National PTA has received over $3 million dollars so far from the Gates Foundation to support Common Core, even though it goes directly against their own PTA Position Statement against creating standards without parental input.
Unfortunately, money has the power to make some change their beliefs. And, sadly, money has the power to make organizations betray their members.
The $3 million dollar question:
If common core is so great, then why are people being forced and threatened into supporting it?