There was a big, important survey given to teachers in TN by the Tennessee Consortium on Research, Evaluation and Development, an organization that "is responsible for carrying out a detailed, focused program of research as part of Tennessee's Race to the Top grant."
On this important survey, the biggest shocker (not to us) was that:
56% of the 27,000 Tennessee teachers who responded to the survey want to abandon the standards!
56% of the 27,000 Tennessee teachers who responded to the survey want to abandon the standards!!
56% of the 27,000 Tennessee teachers who responded to the survey want to abandon the standards!!!
and also:
13% want to delay the implementation
The next biggest shocker (not to us) was that Governor Haslam announced he plans a full vetting of the Common Core standards sometime in the future. This is a desperate political move and TN parents aren't fooled. It is just like the Senate Common Core hearings that were held over a year ago in September 2013. Anyone seen the report on that, yet? We assume the report must be stuck in the TCAP results department being aligned and post-equated by t.