It is incomprehensible the way that teachers are portrayed as being evil for wanting a fair salary and retirement for their work.
Teachers are the most compassionate, giving, patient, people on the planet. They give of their own time and paychecks to help their students. They would willingly take bullets from intruders to protect our children. They certainly didn't choose the teaching profession to get rich, and they don't expect to. They work HARD. They are DEDICATED. We see it, why can't you?
All of this venom against teachers is being spewed from people who make triple, quadruple, and some even make 7 times the yearly salary of a teacher. Those bullies won't have to ever worry about their retirement because their corporately-funded organizations don't mind paying big time for their underhanded services. Shame on those bullies who hurt our children's teachers! May karma be swift and just to them.
So, in our authoritative we-mean-it-and-don't-make-us-use-your-middle-name-or-you'll-be-sorry voices with our stern expressions that our kids know good-and-well-we-mean-business-mister,
Tennessee Parents hereby tell our elected leaders and those corporately-funded-teacher-bashing organizations to:
and while we're at it, we demand that politicians:
STOP giving away our public schools!!!
We elected you to PROTECT and STRENGTHEN our communities,
not weaken give them away to private interests to profit from.