What does Ethan say? Watch it for yourself. His understanding, knowledge, and poise will amaze you. He is the future of TN. Here is the link:
Here are some highlights:
- He knows more about common core than most grown-ups do. He is absolutely correct when he says that Congress, the Department of Education, State, or Local Governments never voted on the Common Core standards. He realizes the $4.35 billion of our tax dollars were used as a bribe to coerce states into participating, and that TN received $500 million.
- Ethan is smart enough to know that these new standards won't fix our academic deficit. He knows that there is not even any research even showing common core might work. Furthermore, he says it shows a mistrust of teachers since they were not consulted in the process.
- Ethan's respect for his teachers is obvious. As a student, he has been in the classrooms when his teachers have been evaluated. He sees firsthand how teachers are impacted. He says it is like "watching your teacher jump through flaming hoops to earn a score." Students see what administrators, parents, and legislators don't see: the stress and anxiety teachers are experiencing. Students notice. So, listen closely to what he is saying.
- "Standards-based education is ruining the way we teach and learn." He asks WHY we are doing it this way? Ethan knows the answer, saying it is "Bureaucratic Convenience. It works with nuclear reactors. It works with business models. Why can't it work with students?" However, Ethan is smart enough to realize that "Education is unlike every other bureaucratic institute in our government. The task of teaching is never quantifiable."
- "If everything I learn in high school is a measurable objective, I haven't learned anything." Wow. This kid is way more than a test score!!!
- He gets it: "Creativity, appreciation, inquisitiveness - these are impossible to scale, but they're the purpose of education."
- Yes, yes, yes: "We teach to free minds. We teach to inspire. We teach to equip. The careers will come naturally... Haven't we gone too far with data?"