- "It was linked to our email address so it couldn't be anonymous."
- "If teachers got to a question that they could not respond to honestly because they were given specific choices, teachers did not finish the survey. If you didn't answer every question, it would not go through."
- "I heard that our responses will be given to our supervisors to address and so teachers were afraid to be honest."
- "They are just going to twist and manipulate our answers to make it say whatever they want it to, so why bother?"
- "It took a long time to take the survey, and I'm just too busy with so many other things I need to do for my students."
- "Knox County had the smallest percentage of survey results in the entire state. That speaks to the fear and paranoia we are experiencing over here."
Tennessee parents realize that our children's teachers areSTRESSED. Parents want HAPPY, respected teachers for our children. We want TN leaders to listen and take action.